Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Inspired by the Toll House cookie !

Back in the 1930's, Ruth Wakefield decided to try to make a chocolate cookie by chopping up bits of Hershey's chocolate bars. Instead of the chocolate melting and creating a "chocolate" cookie, the chocolate held it's shape and voila, the chocolate chip cookie was born.  I LOVE this story, and not just because it involves chocolate...although that certainly helps.  But I love the fact that Mrs. Wakefield had a plan and although the plan didn't turn out like she expected, she still created something fantastic. I think recipes are like that. A lot of times, what you may plan to make for dinner turns into something totally different when you realize you left something out or don't have all the needed ingrediants. That's what happened at the Perry Palace tonight.  I was planning on making an old standby, "Pepperoni Bread" only to discover I was running dangerously low on pepperoni. So I improvised !  I made half of the recipe with my traditional turkey pepperoni and shredded cheese and then the other half with deli sliced ham and swiss cheese. What resulted was a delicious revelation...the filling possibilities are now endless !  I had visions of spinach, chicken, and sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms, bell peppers, sausage, artichokes, and oh wait a minute...I'm getting a LITTLE grandiose for my family...but YOU...YOU my friends could take this recipe and run with it !  Run, Run like the wind Bullseye!  Sorry, now I'm getting carried away.  Here is the recipe.  Feel free to alter, change, or copy as your little heart desires. 

Pepperoni Bread

2 1/2 cups flour (I used a mixture of all purpose white and wheat flour)
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp yeast
1 TB olive oil
1 cup very warm water

Combine all the dry ingrediants in a bowl. Add the water and oil and mix. Turn onto floured surface and knead for about 1-2 minutes until it forms a firm but smooth ball of dough. Let rise in a warm place in a greased covered bowl for 20 minutes.
Place dough on greased cookie sheet and roll out into a rectangular shape filling the pan. Cover with pepperoni then cheese (or other topping of choice). Gently roll into a long tube pinching ends and seam to seal. Using a sharp knife, make 4 or 5 slits in the top. I sprayed the top of mine with olive oil spray and sometimes sprinkle with garlic powder or additional cheese. Bake at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool a bit before slicing.  Can serve with hot marinara sauce for dipping. 

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