Thursday, August 23, 2012

Messin with Mashed Taters...

I will confess up front, I am probably more excited about this blog post than any other....I would even say I'm almost GIDDY !   Mashed potatoes, pretty cut and dry right ?  Oh contrare.... I came upon a recipe that called for a combination of potatoes AND cauliflower and decided to try it out on some friends tomorrow at a luncheon I'm hosting, because seriously, do you THINK I could pass this by my family ?  Um no.  Case in point, the hubster walked in from outside and smelled the distinct aroma from the stovetop and immediately started in..."Why, Why would you do this to our house?"  To which I replied, "Let's play name that smell !"....Gracie joined in and declared, "this isn't a very fun game".  Okay so why my excitement you ask ?  BECAUSE, after I had put everything together and tasted it for myself, I just KNEW I had to get a sneaky spoonful in SOMEBODY tonight to confirm my suspicions...this recipe ROCKS !  Gracie helped chop my potatoes so in thanking her for the wonderful job she did, I said, "You have GOT to try these mashed potatoes, they are incredible!"  Now, I will confess, she walked away from the kitchen and didn't actually watch me prepare the potatoes so had no idea the cauliflower came anywhere near the same pot....(insert evil laugh here).  She took a bite without hesitation and declared that yes indeed, they are tasty !  VOILA !   SO, what have I learned tonight. 1) I WILL make this recipe again....2) I WILL prepare the cauliflower during the day, freeze or refrigerate the evidence for later mix ins....3) I WILL light a candle to detox the house before they get home. 

Mashed Potatoes

3 lbs baking potatoes, peeled and cut into small pieces
1 large head of cauliflower, trimmed and cut into florets
3/4 to 1 cup of milk
1/2 to 3/4 cup of butter
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
Chicken Broth

Bring potatoes to boil in broth until tender. While cooking, in another pot bring 1 1/2 cup additional chicken broth to boil and add cauliflower. Cover and steam until very tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and place in blender with milk and butter. Puree until very smooth. Drain and mash potatoes and add cauliflower puree along with seasoning to taste.  YUM !

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