Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012, where did you go ?

Wow, it has been QUITE a while since I have last posted anything on this blog.  The last few months of 2012 have been a roller coaster, yet ironically, I have nothing outstanding or noteworthy to show for it.  Just a year of changing schedules, increased work demands, and my family's hustle and bustle to blame for blog inactivity.  And I use the term "blame" loosely. I'm not bitter about it, honest.  I've just had bigger fish to fry...pun INtended (for those of you who know my opinion of fish.)  I do hope to continue this blog journey though. It has been very fulfilling and fun to seek out new recipes and share the outcomes.  And I must say, my family's healthier eating journey that we began last year did pay off with my hubby and I achieving a combined total of 32 lbs less than where we were last year at this time.  I would like to claim that as a grand success, but alas, I would be amiss if I didn't admit to actually having lost more than that at one time, but with the stress and business of the holiday season... we find ourselves pulling ourselves up from our bootstraps and starting over once again.  I will share something that gives me hope for the coming year and it comes from God's word, which is a pretty good place to look if you need encouragement....
"I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst."  John 6:35
Jesus in this verse promises us that when we come to Him, He fulfills our every need. But the thought recently occurred to me, I do not make it a practice to eat one meal and expect to never get hungry the rest of the day, or for that matter, the rest of the week. So how can I expect to be spiritually "full" if I only ingest God's word sporadically ?   It's a thought that has challenged my heart and I hope to incorporate as part of my healthy lifestyle in 2013. I need so much more than just fruits and vegetables in my diet, I need the living, breathing word of life to nourish and sustain me.  I'll end with one of my favorite verses,
"Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him."  Psalm 34:8
I don't pretend to have all the answers, but I serve the one who does. I also know that when I go to Him, He never disappoints me, and so as I enter 2013, I look forward to seeing what sort of "dish" He decides to serve me this year.  My spiritual taste buds are ready !

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