Tuesday, January 10, 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog...

So, I love to cook....and you know what they say, "Never trust a skinny chef"....well I guess you could say food and I have become fast friends over the years. I don't usually make New Year's Resolutions, however this year my family and I have decided to try and eat more well balanced, healthy meals, which is all well and good...if your family will actually EAT them ! So begins my journey of scouring cookbooks, recipe websites, and tried and true meal ideas with a bit of tweaking to pass the Perry family's persnickety palate. I won't blog every day, but will basically try to chronicle the recipes that make the cut.

The inspiration for this blog actually came from my children, who never cease to provide me with entertaining comments and reactions to my various attempts at making dinner "fun" with phrases like, "but it's nature's candy kids, just try it!"

Our first official healthful meal of 2012 consisted of chicken breast, steamed fresh green beans, and quinoa (which by the way is more fun to say than eat...pronounced 'keen-wa', but I digress)...Before we started eating, my daughter was saying the blessing and proceeded to ask God to "PLEASE don't let mom starve us, amen," followed by my son with a hearty, "we should have eaten dinner at Granny's house."

I know what some of you may be thinking, "picky eaters are made, they aren't born that way, blah blah blah". Let's just agree to disagree here okay? I won't judge you, you won't judge me, and we'll all hold hands, break some bread, and TRY not to argue about the merit of margarine versus real butter. Okay ? Okay ! Here goes nothing....Picky Eaters Unite and Stay Tuned....


  1. I love it! So excited for your journey - or shall I say journeys...new recipes and blogging! Love you

  2. Please remember us little people that you knew before you were famous! Looking forward to reading!

  3. I am soooo proud to be a part of this journey with you!

  4. Love it. I've been toying with the idea of blogging for some time now and have 2 blogs in the works behind the scenes. Seeing you just get out there and "just do it" inspires me to stop planning and buidling them and just do it myself! You go Christi! Also, as a person who counsels patients on healthy eating everyday I applaud your efforts to make healthy meals for your family. What a great gift for them...cooked with love!

  5. Reading your plight, I am reminded of a Rockwell tool crib attendant who once said this isn't Burger King, you don't get it your way, you take it my way or you don't get the darned(not positive about the adjective) thing.
